The Markov Pen: Online Synthesis of Free-Hand Drawing Styles
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The Eurographics Association
Learning expressive curve styles from example is crucial for interactive or computer-based narrative illustrations. We propose a method for online synthesis of free-hand drawing styles along arbitrary base paths by means of an autoregressive Markov Model. Choice on further curve progression is made while drawing, by sampling from a series of previously learned feature distributions subject to local curvature. The algorithm requires no useradjustable parameters other than one short example style. It may be used as a custom ''random brush'' designer in any task that requires rapid placement of a large number of detail-rich shapes that are tedious to create manually.
booktitle = {Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering},
editor = {David Mould and Pierre Bénard},
title = {{The Markov Pen: Online Synthesis of Free-Hand Drawing Styles}},
author = {Lang, Katrin and Alexa, Marc},
year = {2015},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {},
DOI = {10.2312/exp.20151193}