Visualization Ecology Applications for Measurement Science: A Visualization Gap Approach
Su, Simon
Sherman, William
Satterfield, Steve
Griffin, Terence
Ressler, Sandy
George, William
Feng, Shaw
Terrill, Judith
Sherman, William
Satterfield, Steve
Griffin, Terence
Ressler, Sandy
George, William
Feng, Shaw
Terrill, Judith
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The Eurographics Association
Advanced visualization research have remained insufficiently included in science and engineering workflows due to the highly specialized task-specific requirements and lack of suitable applications. Although the field of visualization is maturing and researchers have invested efforts into introspection and methodologies, much of the research is not readily available to the scientists and engineers in their daily workflow. In our effort to address the visualization gap, we are working to adapt and extend an existing open-source visualization framework in our workflow to streamline our basic research into visualization application to address measurement uncertainty challenges. In addition to benefiting scientists in our organization, we also hope that our contributions to the open-source framework will benefit our customers, the broader scientific community and society.
CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing --> Visualization systems and tools
booktitle = {VisGap - The Gap between Visualization Research and Visualization Software},
editor = {Gillmann, Christina and Krone, Michael and Reina, Guido and Wischgoll, Thomas},
title = {{Visualization Ecology Applications for Measurement Science: A Visualization Gap Approach}},
author = {Su, Simon and Sherman, William and Satterfield, Steve and Griffin, Terence and Ressler, Sandy and George, William and Feng, Shaw and Terrill, Judith},
year = {2022},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-181-6},
DOI = {10.2312/visgap.20221057}