The Trilateral Filter for High Contrast Images and Meshes

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The Eurographics Association
We present a new, single-pass nonlinear filter for edge-preserving smoothing and visual detail removal for N dimensional signals in computer graphics, image processing and computer vision applications. Built from two modified forms of Tomasi and Manduchi's bilateral filter, the new "trilateral" filter smoothes signals towards a sharply-bounded, piecewise-linear approximation. Unlike bilateral filters or anisotropic diffusion methods that smooth towards piecewise constant solutions, the trilateral filter provides stronger noise reduction and better outlier rejection in high-gradient regions, and it mimics the edge-limited smoothing behavior of shock-forming PDEs by region finding with a fast min-max stack. Yet the trilateral filter requires only one user-set parameter, filters an input signal in a single pass, and does not use an iterative solver as required by most PDE methods. Like the bilateral filter, the trilateral filter easily extends to N-dimensional signals, yet it also offers better performance for many visual applications including appearance-preserving contrast reduction problems for digital photography and denoising polygonal meshes.

, booktitle = {
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering
}, editor = {
Philip Dutre and Frank Suykens and Per H. Christensen and Daniel Cohen-Or
}, title = {{
The Trilateral Filter for High Contrast Images and Meshes
}}, author = {
Choudhury, Prasun
Tumblin, Jack
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }