Real-time Content Adaptive Depth Retargeting for Light Field Displays

Light field display systems present visual scenes using a set of directional light beams emitted from multiple light sources as if they are emitted from points in a physical scene. These displays offer better angular resolution and therefore provide more depth of field than other automultiscopic displays. However in some cases the size of a scene may still exceed the available depth range of a light field display. Thus, rendering on these displays requires suitable adaptation of 3D content for providing comfortable viewing experience. We propose a content adaptive depth retargeting method to automatically modify the scene depth to suit to the needs of a light field display. By analyzing the scene and using display specific parameters, we formulate and solve an optimization problem to non-linearly adapt the scene depth to display depth. Our method synthesizes the depth retargeted light field content in real-time for supporting interactive visualization and also preserves the 3D appearance of the displayed objects as much as possible.

, booktitle = {
EG 2015 - Posters
}, editor = {
B. Solenthaler and E. Puppo
}, title = {{
Real-time Content Adaptive Depth Retargeting for Light Field Displays
}}, author = {
Adhikarla, Vamsi Kiran
Marton, Fabio
Barsi, Attila
Kovács, Péter Tamás
Balogh, Tibor
Gobbetti, Enrico
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {}, DOI = {
} }