PileBars: Scalable Dynamic Thumbnail Bars

We introduce PileBars, a new class of animated thumbnail-bars supporting browsing of large image datasets (hundreds or thousands of images). Since the bar is meant to be just one element of a GUI, it covers only a small portion of the screen; yet it provides a global view of the entire dataset, without any scrolling panel. Instead, thumbnails are dynamically rearranged, resized and reclustered into adaptive layouts during the entire browsing process. The objective is to enable the user both to accurately pinpoint a specific image (even among semantically close ones), and to jump anywhere to ''distant'' parts of the dataset. The thumbnail layouts proposed maximize also the temporal coherence, thus allowing for smooth animations from one layout to the next. The system is very general: it can be driven by any application-specific image-to-image semantic distance function, and respects any user-defined total ordering of the images; the ordering can be either inferred from the semantic or be chosen independently from it, depending on the application. The applicability of the resulting system is tested in a number of practical applications and fits very well the issues in management of Cultural Heritage image collections.

, booktitle = {
VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage
}, editor = {
David Arnold and Jaime Kaminski and Franco Niccolucci and Andre Stork
}, title = {{
PileBars: Scalable Dynamic Thumbnail Bars
}}, author = {
Brivio, Paolo
Tarini, Marco
Ponchio, Federico
Cignoni, Paolo
Scopigno, Roberto
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }