WICED 2017
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Lyon, France | April 2017
Reasoning and Knowledge
Declarative Spatial Reasoning for Intelligent Cinematography
La Caméra Enchantée
Implementing Hitchcock - the Role of Focalization and Viewpoint
CaMor: Screw Interpolation between Perspective Projections of Partial Views of Rectangular
Styles and Challenges
Inferring the Structure of Action Movies
Analyzing Elements of Style in Annotated Film Clips
Five Challenges for Intelligent Cinematography and Editing
Live-action Cinematography
Zooming On All Actors: Automatic Focus+Context Split Screen Video Generation
Pano2Vid: Automatic Cinematography for Watching 360° Videos
A Probabilistic Logic Programming Approach to Automatic Video Montage
Automatic Camera Selection and PTZ Canvas Steering for Autonomous Filming of Reality TV
Human-Machine Collaborations in Film
Making Movies from Make-Believe Games
Design of an Intelligent Navigation System for Participative Computer Animation
Using ECPs for Interactive Applications in Virtual Cinematography
Film Ties: A Web-based Virtual 3D Lab for Teaching the Film Art from Script to Blocking
BibTeX (WICED 2017)
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171063,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Declarative Spatial Reasoning for Intelligent Cinematography}},author = {Bhatt, MehulandSchultz, CarlandSuchan, JakobandWalega, Przemyslaw}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171063}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171064,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{La Caméra Enchantée}},author = {Rossignac, Jarek}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171064}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171067,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Inferring the Structure of Action Movies}},author = {Potapov, DanilaandDouze, MatthijsandRevaud, JérômeandHarchaoui, ZaidandSchmid, Cordelia}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171067}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171066,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{CaMor: Screw Interpolation between Perspective Projections of Partial Views of Rectangular Images}},author = {Raghuraman, GokulandBarrash, NicholasandRossignac, Jarek}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171066}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171065,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Implementing Hitchcock - the Role of Focalization and Viewpoint}},author = {Galvane, QuentinandRonfard, Rémi}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171065}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171068,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Analyzing Elements of Style in Annotated Film Clips}},author = {Wu, Hui-YinandGalvane, QuentinandLino, ChristopheandChristie, Marc}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171068}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171070,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Zooming On All Actors: Automatic Focus+Context Split Screen Video Generation}},author = {Kumar, MoneishandGandhi, VineetandRonfard, RémiandGleicher, Michael}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171070}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171069,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Five Challenges for Intelligent Cinematography and Editing}},author = {Ronfard, Rémi}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171069}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171073,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Automatic Camera Selection and PTZ Canvas Steering for Autonomous Filming of Reality TV}},author = {Callemein, TimothyandRanst, Wiebe VanandGoedemé, Toon}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171073}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171071,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Pano2Vid: Automatic Cinematography for Watching 360° Videos}},author = {Su, Yu-ChuanandJayaraman, DineshandGrauman, Kristen}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171071}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171072,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{A Probabilistic Logic Programming Approach to Automatic Video Montage}},author = {Aerts, BramandGoedemé, ToonandVennekens, Joost}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171072}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171074,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Making Movies from Make-Believe Games}},author = {Barbulescu, AdelaandGarcia, MaximeandVaufreydaz, DominiqueandCani, Marie PauleandRonfard, Rémi}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171074}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171075,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Design of an Intelligent Navigation System for Participative Computer Animation}},author = {Liu, Iou-ShiuanandLi, Tsai-YenandChristie, Marc}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171075}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171077,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Film Ties: A Web-based Virtual 3D Lab for Teaching the Film Art from Script to Blocking}},author = {Bares, WilliamandRequierme, CarolineandObisesan, Elizabeth}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171077}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:wiced.20171076,booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing},editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Using ECPs for Interactive Applications in Virtual Cinematography}},author = {Wu, Hui-YinandLi, Tsai-YenandChristie, Marc}, year = {2017},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISSN = {2411-9733},ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4},DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171076}}