SBM17: Sketch Based Interfaces and Modeling 2017
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Expressive 2017
Joint Symposium of
Computational Aesthetics (CAe)
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR)
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM)
Los Angeles, California | June 29 – 30, 2017
SmartSketcher: Sketch-based Image Retrieval with Dynamic Semantic Reranking
Conquering the Cube: Learning to Sketch Primitives in Perspective with an Intelligent
Tutoring System
Flow2Code: From Hand-drawn Flowcharts to Code Execution
3D (The Third Dimension)
Interactive swept surface modeling in virtual reality with motion-tracked controllers
General Submissions (Abstracts)
A taxonomy of motion applications in data visualization
Shading with Painterly Filtered Layers: A Technique to Obtain Painterly Portrait Animations
Modeling Go: A mobile sketch-based modeling system for extracting objects
Characterizing User Behavior for Speech and Sketch-based Video Retrieval Interfaces
Sketch and Shade : An interactive assistant for sketching and shading
BibTeX (SBM17: Sketch Based Interfaces and Modeling 2017)
@inproceedings{not assigned,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Front- and Backmatter: SBIM 2017}},author = {Holger WinnemoellerandLyn Bartram}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {not assigned}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3092907.3092910,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{SmartSketcher: Sketch-based Image Retrieval with Dynamic Semantic Reranking}},author = {Portenier, TizianoandHu, QiyangandFavaro, PaoloandZwicker, Matthias}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3092907.3092910}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3092907.3092911,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Conquering the Cube: Learning to Sketch Primitives in Perspective with an Intelligent Tutoring System}},author = {Keshavabhotla, SwarnaandWilliford, BlakeandKumar, ShaliniandHilton, EthanandTaele, PaulandLi, WayneandLinsey, JulieandHammond, Tracy}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3092907.3092911}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3092907.3092911,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Flow2Code: From Hand-drawn Flowcharts to Code Execution}},author = {Herrera-Camara, Jorge-IvanandHammond, Tracy}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3092907.3092911}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3092907.3092908,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Interactive swept surface modeling in virtual reality with motion-tracked controllers}},author = {McGraw, TimandGarcia, EstebanandSumner, Drew}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3092907.3092908}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3122791.3122798,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{A taxonomy of motion applications in data visualization}},author = {Arenas, Irene de la Torre -andCruz, Pedro}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3122791.3122798}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3122791.3122800,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Shading with Painterly Filtered Layers: A Technique to Obtain Painterly Portrait Animations}},author = {Castaneda, SaifandAkleman, Ergun}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3122791.3122800}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3122791.3122797,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Modeling Go: A mobile sketch-based modeling system for extracting objects}},author = {Lai, Chun-AnandChiang, Pei-Ying}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3122791.3122797}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3122791.3122801,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Characterizing User Behavior for Speech and Sketch-based Video Retrieval Interfaces}},author = {Altıok, Ozan CanandSezgin, Tev k Metin}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3122791.3122801}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3122791.3122799,booktitle = {Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling},editor = {Holger Winnemoeller and Lyn Bartram}, title = {{Sketch and Shade : An interactive assistant for sketching and shading}},author = {Parakkat, Amal DevandJoshi, Sarang AnilandPundarikaksha, Uday BondiandMuthuganapathy, Ramanathan}, year = {2017},publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM)},ISSN = {1812-3503},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8},DOI = {10.1145/3122791.3122799}}