Portal-Masked Environment Map Sampling

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The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
We present a technique to e ciently importance sample distant, all-frequency illumination in indoor scenes. Standard environment sampling is ine cient in such cases since the distant lighting is typically only visible through small openings (e.g. windows). This visibility is often addressed by manually placing a portal around each window to direct samples towards the openings; however, uniformly sampling the portal (its area or solid angle) disregards the possibly high frequency environment map. We propose a new portal importance sampling technique which takes into account both the environment map and its visibility through the portal, drawing samples proportional to the product of the two. To make this practical, we propose a novel, portal-rectified reparametrization of the environment map with the key property that the visible region induced by a rectangular portal projects to an axis-aligned rectangle. This allows us to sample according to the desired product distribution at an arbitrary shading location using a single (precomputed) summed-area table per portal. Our technique is unbiased, relevant to many renderers, and can also be applied to rectangular light sources with directional emission profiles, enabling e cient rendering of non-di use light sources with soft shadows.

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
Portal-Masked Environment Map Sampling
}}, author = {
Bitterli, Benedikt
Novák, Jan
Jarosz, Wojciech
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
}, DOI = {
} }