41-Issue 2
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Rendering I
Progressive Denoising of Monte Carlo Rendered Images
Learning for Rendering
Dressi: A Hardware-Agnostic Differentiable Renderer with Reactive Shader Packing and Soft
Real-time Virtual-Try-On from a Single Example Image through Deep Inverse Graphics and
Learned Differentiable Renderers
Learning from Shader Program Traces
Computational Photography
ZoomShop: Depth-Aware Editing of Photographic Composition
Learning a Self-supervised Tone Mapping Operator via Feature Contrast Masking Loss
Modeling and Editing I
Gradient Terrain Authoring
Deep Reconstruction of 3D Smoke Densities from Artist Sketches
Interactive Editing of Discrete Chebyshev Nets
Animation and Motion Capture
Compact Facial Landmark Layouts for Performance Capture
CAST: Character labeling in Animation using Self-supervision by Tracking
MoCo-Flow: Neural Motion Consensus Flow for Dynamic Humans in Stationary Monocular Cameras
Appearance and Shading
MaterIA: Single Image High-Resolution Material Capture in the Wild
OutCast: Outdoor Single-image Relighting with Cast Shadows
Human Animation and Topology
Shape Transformers: Topology-Independent 3D Shape Models Using Transformers
Dynamic Combination of Crowd Steering Policies Based on Context
The 3D Motorcycle Complex for Structured Volume Decomposition
Constrained Remeshing Using Evolutionary Vertex Optimization
Procedural Roof Generation From a Single Satellite Image
Semantic Segmentation in Art Paintings
Meshlets and How to Shade Them: A Study on Texture-Space Shading
Modeling and Editing II
Automatic Differentiable Procedural Modeling
Differentiable 3D CAD Programs for Bidirectional Editing
Physics Simulation
A-ULMPM: An Adaptively Updated Lagrangian Material Point Method for Efficient Physics
Simulation without Numerical Fracture
Coupling 3D Liquid Simulation with 2D Wave Propagation for Large Scale Water Surface
Animation Using the Equivalent Sources Method
Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection
Rendering II
Neural Precomputed Radiance Transfer
Volumetric Multi-View Rendering
Recursive Analytic Spherical Harmonics Gradient for Spherical Lights
Learning Spectral Unions of Partial Deformable 3D Shapes
Coverage Axis: Inner Point Selection for 3D Shape Skeletonization
Vectorizing Line Drawings of Arbitrary Thickness via Boundary-based Topology Reconstruction
Fiblets for Real-Time Rendering of Massive Brain Tractograms
Z2P: Instant Visualization of Point Clouds
3D Printing, Fabrication
Closed Space-filling Curves with Controlled Orientation for 3D Printing
Computational Design of Self-Actuated Surfaces by Printing Plastic Ribbons on Stretched
Worst-Case Rigidity Analysis and Optimization for Assemblies with Mechanical Joints
Simulation of Clothes and Crowds
Interaction Fields: Intuitive Sketch-based Steering Behaviors for Crowd Simulation
Computational Design of Kinesthetic Garments
N-Cloth: Predicting 3D Cloth Deformation with Mesh-Based Networks